Wednesday, February 15, 2012


I love short films.  While they're budget minded I find that some of the best cinematography, screenplays and acting are found in these small films. They really bring the point home quickly (how refreshing).   And today I was not disappointed.  5 short films: two from Ireland (God they made me wish I was Irish); one from Germany/India; one from Norway and the other the U.S.  I loved the humor in PENTECOST, a quintessential bad Irish boy film;  the poignancy of relationships in THE SHORE; and the difficulties in international adoptions in RAJU.  While TIME FREAK (produced by a UT graduate) and TUBA ATLANTIC are whimsical and humorous, not my taste.  But you might like them.  Go see these shorts.  Fine film making, beautifully shot and edited.

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