Thursday, June 16, 2011

The Thief and the Blue Steel Agaves

Since moving to Austin I have been so enamored of  blue steel agaves. On the way to the gym I announce each one to Abe and I'm sure you hear him saying "enough already."  Well this year we bought 2 variegated agaves and Abe promised next year we'd get some blue steels.   They grow to 6' and 10' wide and shoot off babies galore!    I pass a modern home every day on the way to the gym  whose garden is just rocks and blue steels. I have watched them grow from 1-2-3'.   Last week I saw a FOR RENT sign in front of this fairly new home with the beautiful agaves and their babies.  I felt sad.  And today I saw a man in a white pick-up truck digging up the agaves!  This is no easy task and he had no gardening logos on his pick-up.  So I pulled over, called Abe at home and had him call the police.  I was on my way to yoga and you know what that's like.

When I got out of the gym I passed the home and there were all these dug up blue steel agave and their babies strewn all about!  With a box on top!  I called Abe who said.."come home I have 4!"  I was incredulous that Abe would steal!!!!  He told me he asked the police to call him after they made their visit to the thief of the blue steels.  Well they called Abe and told him that this was the Management of the House and that the owner was giving them away!!!!  The police said "I just took 2, come get some."  Abe walked over with a box and when he saw the size of them realized his box wouldn't do! So the manager and his workmen DELIVERED 4 big agaves to our home and refused to take $ from Abe.  And so Abe convinced me to take 4 more and put them in the box he left behind.  I took 4 babies.  L'Chaim!  To Life!


  1. What a great story!

    You never know what magic might be growing in a neighbor's garden.

    May they bloom blue and beautiful!


  2. Only in Austin! Did you make any photos?
