Friday, June 17, 2011


Whaddya do when your kid is in the air for a night and day and it's Father's Day week-end?  You pick up tickets for GREEN LANTERN before the gym, pick up the glasses and let Abe know you'll see it with him!  Of course this is not my kind of film so I figured I'd sleep behind the glasses and Abe would be happy!  But surprise of all surprises I enjoyed this film.  Pure comic book stuff, good and evil,superhero in tight spandex (this time green!) and the beautiful young woman who he wooes off of her feet.  Peter Sarsgaard is great as the friend with the crappy Dad who gets to act out his true feelings.  Great special effects, costumes, make-up.  I enjoyed myself thoroughly. 

Still waiting for that HK girl to touch ground in Austin.  She's back in the USA and that's a great step in the right direction.  Her request?  Bagel and lox!  You got it!

1 comment:

  1. I can't believe it,Addie, which goes to show that anything is possible, which I am starting to believe!

    Enjoy your gal and breakfast!

