Monday, June 27, 2011

BUCK at the Violet Crown Cinema

A beautifully photographed  documentary about a wounded man who takes his childhood history of abuse and turns it into a productive life, saving wounded horses and their owners along the way.   To hear a narrative of abuse that moves from the past into the present with a journey that includes  close relationships with foster parents, friends, a beautiful wife and daughter validates my  faith in the strength of individuals to overcome.  Buck lives alone much of the year on the road managing horse clinics all over the country.  He sees his family for short periods of time.  He seems to me to be a content and successful man, embracing his solitude while easily connecting with others.  An important message.

And here's a poem Liz and I heard this a.m. on NPR.  We laughed and were delighted by Robert Hass' words.

Siren by Robert Hass | The Writer's Almanac with Garrison Keillor

1 comment:

  1. I read this review and I had thought you said-F-. I am going to see this movie, for sure!


    And I know this wonderful poem and poet's work. Sam had me read his book a year ago!
