Thursday, June 9, 2011


For the last month I've been hearing this amazing song on KUT from Eliza Gilkyson's new CD ROSES AT THE END OF TIME.  So yesterday Abe and I walk into Waterloo and I ask for "what kind of beast comes slouching?" and I don't know the artist's name.  Abe told me the key words were from a Yeats poem and when I googled I came up with a Joni Mitchell song. Well here I am at Waterloo asking around and no one's able to figure it out.  Along comes Hayes who calls KUT, talks to Jay Trachtenburg, googles, googles and there it is!  What a great guy!  And while I was there I bought Bob Schneider's new CD after hearing that great new song of his PEACHES.  And for the past two days I've listened while I  cooked and danced around the house.  Thank-you Hayes!

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