Monday, July 9, 2012

Rick Perry and Healthcare

I have had the misfortune of hearing this man repeatedly on KUT today.  Apparently he gave an interview this a.m. on FOX news where he stated Medicaid is a failed program.  I have stamped my feet, shook my fist, pulled at my hair in response to his stupidity.  Should Texas refuse to accept the Healthcare Law found constitutional by our conservative Supreme Court  this is what will happen:  every uninsured visit to the Emergency Department which happens at enormous rates and costs taxpayers in Texas billions, yes, billions of dollars will be paid by Texans in property taxes.  All preventive medicine which lowers costs of overall healthcare for EVERYONE will not be provided because people don't pay for prevention, they request healthcare when they're sick or have had an accident.  I was a medical social worker for 33 years in NYC and saw first hand the amount of services cut because of uninsured and unpaid emergency room visits.  I just LOVE my new hometown.  I am so sorry Rick Perry comes along with the deal.

1 comment:

  1. Amen brother. There is no cure for stupid and although there is a cure for Rick Perry it appears that the average Texan is not yet ready to take it and vote him out of office. Take comfort in the fact that he will not last forever.
