Saturday, July 28, 2012


Sometimes a film can raise you to a higher plain emotionally and thoughtfully and today that is what happened for me at the VC.  I had read a wonderful NEW YORKER review about the film but had been forewarned by a dear friend that I might not like it.  Well, today I was riveted by the performance of Louisiana 6 y.o. Quevenzhane Wallis and her local father actor Dwight Henry.  There was nothing about this film that I disliked.  The characters were so authentic, the environment so challenging and the love between the actors for their special place had me cheering for every counter culture move they made.  I came away feeling we have no right to remove people from life threatening conditions.  Where should we bring them to...a football stadium where no one likes them and police shoot them walking across a bridge?  We live in an imperfect world.  The funeral scene for Wink made me think it was the most authentic ritual I could ever hope for when it is my time to move on.  Go see this film.  It is wonderful!

1 comment:

  1. I loved it so much, so that I am so happy that you loved it equally well.

    xxxxYour Pam from sunny Capri
