Sunday, July 1, 2012


Went to Westgate early today to see this movie that got a great review from THE CHRONICLE.  Abe just loves vampire films and I just love him and wanted to have some fun with him before I left to shoot scenes for SACRIFICE.  Well let me tell you I really enjoyed this film.  It's a great action film, great special effects, beautiful martial art moves and I just love seeing slaves on the Underground Railroad participate in kicking the vampires' butts.  On a more serious side, living in the South as a transplanted Yankee is a life changing experience.  We're surrounded by people whose histories are so different from our own.  This movie reminded me that the divide is a core wound that runs deep.  It continues to filter through the divide we see in our politics.  It left me sad.

Spent the evening on the set of Katie Young's SACRIFICE.  A long day for Angel, the lead with a six week old and 4 y.o. both on the set.  It was my absolute pleasure to hold and rock that 6 week old so that she could work.  She is a great Mama with enormous patience and mobility.  She'll return to work in a few weeks as well, can you imagine?  Long day on set with a diverse group of actors.  Lots of waiting.

1 comment:

  1. You make me want to see a vampire movie, and I have zero interest in vampires!!!!!
