Saturday, November 19, 2011


We ventured to see this at Violet Crown midday yesterday.  What a sick-o!  Leonardo De Caprio, Armie Hammer and Naomi Watts offer fine performances in this very disturbing slice of american history.  To be reminded of the insane power this man wielded.  To be reminded of his self glorification, self promotion and cruel interpersonal relations.  Not a perfect film.  The make-up for Armie Hammer as Clyde Tolson is ghoulish (not so for Mr. De Caprio) and while his acting as the aged partner is beautiful the make-up is a distraction.  Every good person in the world should have a secretary like Naomi Watts.  Such loyalty.  I would recommend this film but be prepared to feel disgusted.

Last night we ate at T&S Seafood and Chinese restaurant up on N Lamar with Reed and Liz.  I am not a lover of Chinese food but this was absolutely fine food with enormous selections. Try any shrimp dish in the house...ours were all superb. It was a pleasure to hear Liz talk with our Viet Namese waitress about China, Viet Nam, and Hong Kong.  Most everyone in the restaurant was Chinese, the decor plain, clean, simple.  Atmosphere perfect and as always Reed and Liz had us laughing.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds so nice-the restaurant. Will see the movie, just for the performances alone!

