Thursday, November 24, 2011


After eating and cleaning up Liz and I headed to the Alamo S.Lamar to see this beautifully cast film.  A film about a family in crisis with proof that life is messy.  And that timing for crises is never planned accordingly.  Imagine a mother in a coma with an adolescent daughter and a 10 y.o. daughter and a husband who learns from his daughter that Mom was cheating.  Everyone in this movie is so real!  George Clooney's performance is perfect. While the young teenage boy who accompanies this family on their dark journey is something out of the ordinary  his presence adds humor to the constant presence of pain, anger and grief. The funny parts are played so well and the shot of the girl under water reacting to her mother's fate is just magnificent.  I'm glad we saw this film on Thanksgiving.  It reminded me that families are not perfect, have lots of moments of stress, can sometimes be supportive and other times cruel and hurtful.  I like confirmation of living in the real world.  And can you imagine?  People were eating french fries right next to us!  Where'd they find the room?  Happy Thanksgiving!

1 comment:

  1. You won me over with your review. Undecided between "Hugo" or this one for the weekend, but it just might be this one!

