Friday, September 23, 2011

Les Petits Chanteurs of the Holy Trinity Music School

The earthquake in Haiti destroyed the Holy Trinity Music School of Port Au Prince, part of a complex that educates 1,000 students.  The Boys choir has been traveling and performing since the earthquake in order to rebuild the music school and replace the instruments.  This is their second visit to Austin and while the concert is free donations are suggested and collected. The program includes both sacred and Haitian music. They perform classical compositions in their own country.  My experience of Boys choirs is Brooklyn Boys and St. Thomas NYC.  One must forget those fine tuned polished choirs when listening to Les Petits Chanteurs.  It is best to put the singers and the musicians from the chamber ensemble in their proper context.  Haiti is the poorest country in our hemisphere with a history of continued civil conflict and a recent earthquake that was massive in its destruction. 300,000 Haitians are believed to have died and thousands are homeless, sick and unemployed. It is in this context that one receives the warmth and melody of the singers and musicians and their conductors.  I assure you this is a special and delightful way to receive music.  They are inspirational.  I heard them at All Saints Episcopal up on campus and they'll be continuing to perform in Austin for 3 more evenings.

Abe's still in NY with pouring rain.  And I miss him.  Night y'all.

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