Saturday, September 24, 2011

Audition at the Dougherty Arts Center

Shortly after arriving in Austin I saw a casting call for a Horton Foote production of A CARPETBAGGER'S CHILDREN and auditioned with the director, Norman Blumensaadt from Different Stages. 
WHAT WAS I THINKING?  This is Horton Foote!  Texas through and through.  Of course I didn't get the part but Mr. Blumensaadt told me to take acting lessons and I listened. And for a year and a half I've been studying acting weekly (almost weekly).  And subsequently I have been cast in quite a number of student UT films.
 And today I auditioned for Lisa Kron's WELL, a production Abe and I had seen in NY at the Public Theater.  A production that made me so uncomfortable because the characters were so close to my own life.  And today, with acting classes under my belt, and NY and Jewish in my veins I auditioned and have been called back tomorrow.  And when Mr. Blumensaadt asked me if I would be willing to to be in the ensemble if I didn't get a larger part I danced for joy and wanted to give him a kiss, a hug, a hoot and a holler.  But I didn't.  He's not that kind of guy.   So instead I called Abe,Josh, Liz, Pam and Lenny and exploded.    Even if I don't get a part it is good enough.  I have studied, learned how to analyze a character, remember lines, be generous to my partners and LISTEN!  I am so appreciative.
And now a shout out to my Dad, Ben Scherer.  We're approaching Yom Kippur where we remember our loved ones whom we've lost.   When I was 4 and sat in front of our mirrored credenza crying he always told me to become an actress.  When I played the guitar as a 16y.o. he told me to become a performer.  He ALWAYS told me I had an ability to perform.  And now Papa, after all these years I have listened to you.  And I love to perform and I love you because it is you that comes out in every performance.  I got my personality from you!.  And now to my New York friends you can dry your eyes.


  1. I can't dry my eyes. This is just too beautiful. My fingers and toes are crossed; an an ensemble part will be good, too!

  2. I'm so happy you got called back! YAY! No matter what part you get you will be great!

  3. Thank-you Pammy and Thank-You Rudi!!!!!
