Thursday, September 8, 2011

Happy BD Lizzy/Happy BD Chronicle

Tonight we celebrated Lizzy's 24th birthday with her for the first time since she was 17!  She's been in Texas and then Hong Kong for all of those others.  We met up at Roaring Fork for delicious food and drinks and then she headed off to Social Biking with friends and dancing at Barbarella's.  Abe and I went next door to the Paramount where Master Pancake spoofed PERFECT in celebration of the Chronicle's 30th BD. What an easy movie to spoof.  Jamie Lee Curtis and John Trivolta in their aerobic spandex jerking their pelvises to 1980 pump music. The spoofs were hysterical, the dialogue ridiculous, and Abe and I laughed our way through.   A good night.

A post script.  We're approaching the 10th anniversary of 9/11.  An infamous day for our family.  For Liz's 14th birthday we headed our way to the marina at the World Trade Center on 9/8/01.  We ate Mexican food and then took photos of Josh and Liz in front of small yachts parked at the marina.  Three days later on a crystal clear morning the marina, the World Trade Center and the small yachts were all destroyed.  We will never forget that day.  We were all in different places and in different boroughs.  We all emerged safely and to this day we count our blessings.

1 comment:

  1. There is something celebratory and somber about this post, so appropriate for this time of year.

    Saw John Bottle's photos of 9/11 at a gallery, and could not stop crying. And the rage against America, particularly large cities, has not ended.

    But then there are beautiful birthdays to celebrate.

