Tuesday, February 22, 2011

So A Man Walks Into the Library With A Gun

On Tuesdays Abe bicycles with Reed, a true friend we've made since moving here.  He was born and raised in Midland but we would have much preferred he was elected President!  Last Tuesday Abe waited for Reed in the lobby of the Twin Oaks library and noticed a man walk into the library with a gun under his arm.  Abe saw the man leave the library after using the restroom and followed him to see him deposit the gun in the garbage dumpster outside.  Abe watched the man walk away, kept his eye on him, retrieved the gun, and hastily bicycled toward Reed while he held the gun in one arm holding it against his chest.  I can hear everyone's questions as I write (believe me I had a bazillion!) Our cell phones have NYC #s so 911 would have connected him to NYPD. He motioned to Reed to keep going and they speedily biked to Reed's house where finally Abe called APD.    Reed described the look on  Abe's face as  pure glee.  Well now that Abe's fingerprints are all over the gun we hope APD finds the guy who tossed it.  A pretty cool story I think from a NY social worker who has  no experiences with guns but has watched a ton of Law and Orders!

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