Saturday, October 1, 2011

Ballet Austin/ The Mozart Project

Tonight we headed to the Long Center to see this great program choreographed by Steve Miller. This was a collaborative effort with a program of 3 dances with music inspired by Mozart.  First a classical and whimsical dance with music performed by Dr. Michelle Schumann and the Austin Chamber Music Center.  Then an edgy more modern piece with music by the fabulous Austin composer Graham Reynolds.  Every time we hear music composed by this guy Abe and I are so impressed and happy.  And finally a really contemporary piece with music by Paul D. Miller, AKA DJ Spooky, based on Eine Kleine Nachtmusik.  We stayed following the performance for a Q&A given by the composers and Steve Miller.  The collaborative effort and process was discussed in terms that explained so well what we had just experienced.  The music and dance was put together in 5 weeks.  So hard to imagine.  Do not let anyone tell you that the ballet in Austin is nothing compared to NY.  This is so untrue.  The dancers were really good technicians and performers.  Abe always leaves  the ballet in Austin stating it tops everything else that we do.  Now that makes me happy.

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