Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Austin Film Festival Day #6

This afternoon I soloed it to SHORTS at the Hideout.  As always waiting on line with our favorite Welsh director and a lovely teacher we've met from Milwaukee adds to the great experience.  Shorts 4 were the best films I have seen in the festival.  (Along with GIN & DRY).  MWANSA THE GREAT was everyone's favorite.  An African film about children's fantasy play.  So creative and so well done.  Don't forget the name...catch it wherever and whenever.  A harrowing film WHAT TO BRING TO AMERICA about female circumcision in a modern Muslim setting had me cringing!!!! And yearning for a drink when it was over! PROTECT THE NATION about a child's hustling life in S.Africa had me cringing as well.  So well done by a NY young woman.  SHOOT THE MOON was about our modern economy and people losing their homes.  The relationship between the mother and teenage daughter was so well written and acted. The second set of shorts were too weird for my taste (think a  father's comically plotting to kill his young son----yech!)

A good day at AFF!  Tomorrow evening one more after UT OLLI.

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