Sunday, October 9, 2011


I soloed this today at the Westgate as Abe watched football and Liz and Josh and friends headed up to bar-b-cue at Franklin's.  Some good down time for mama.  I have admired and loved Joseph Gordon-Levitt's skill and talent  since I saw him as a sexually abused kid in MYSTERIOUS SKIN.  And now I can add Seth Rogen to that category of actors.  This is a wonderful film about illness, family, friendship, an imperfect but human therapist and a very imperfect M.D.  Everyone should have a Seth Rogan in their lives when faced with a crisis of health.  He knows just what to do, what to say and how to behave.  I loved the way he treated his friend.  So real.  No bullshit.  And I loved Anjelica Huston as a Mama.  She is the real thing!

More football for the guys right now and then of course we all 4 head to Polvo's before Josh heads home.  He would not leave Austin without a stop to his favorite restaurant.

1 comment:

  1. With this Addie recommendation, I am going to see it. Now there are two on my list, including The Ides of March.

