Thursday, September 13, 2012


Well it seems that adorable little orange tabby who comes by periodically (and whom I was considering having spayed at one of those kind mobile vet clinics at 5 a.m.) belongs to our neighbors.  She's 15y.o., her name is Molly Brown, she's fed twice a day, clamors up a storm to all of our neighbors and is therefore fed by everyone.  Our neighbor Sebastian says "she has a tapeworm,"  Abe says "this cat is sick" and I say she's been traumatized at some point in her development.  Whatever the truth is, man did she have me fooled!  You can all stop laughing.

1 comment:

  1. I did the same thing when I was a kid -- got fed at home, but went to the neighbor's house for the occasional root beer or vernors float. Maybe I was a tabby in an earlier life . . . Edie
