Sunday, September 30, 2012


Let me first mention that I LOVE cop movies.  I love the working class backgrounds, the lives they live, the machismo/machisma POV they share, their helpfulness to each other in construction of their homes, support of their families and the generous spirit I have seen over and over again as a hospital social worker in crime ridden downtown Brooklyn before it became Yuppie Heaven.  Our Red Hook was a small version of South Central L.A. in the 70 and 80's.  Shaking your heads and thinking "what's up with this?"  I hate violent criminals, crack heads who hurt their babies, gang violence, drug cartels, batterers, pimps, on and on.  And bad cops who are criminals themselves.  And David Ayer does good cop/bad cop films like no one else.  TRAINING DAY had me shivering from Denzell's evil character and Diamonique in the role of Wicked in END OF WATCH is one wicked evil woman who you want to kill yourself!  END OF WATCH is beautifully cast with Jake Gyllenhaal as an intelligent chiseled cop who LOVES getting the bad guy's drugs and weapons.  Michael Pena (with a tilda on the n) is his partner and they share a jousting with each other that's refreshing and intelligent.  The film is shot through Jake's character's video lens as he carries the camera everywhere for a film class he's taking as an elective. These are brave, funny, decent young men and I was relieved to see a film about guys like these two. Guys that would run into a burning building for someone's kid.  I have known men like this and it is obvious that when David Ayer was living on the streets of South Central L.A. as a homeless teen he met a good cop as well!  Don't miss this film!

1 comment:

  1. Sounds really good, Addie. I said I had to see a movie next weekend, so this might just be it.
