Saturday, September 15, 2012

Amanda and the Lockdown

As I'm telling a friend how happy I am that Josh is leaving D.C. with all of the anti-American furor occurring, I get a text and call from a UT RTF student announcing a campus lockdown because of a bomb threat!  WTF??  This family has lived through 911 in NYC (up close and personal) and then when we move to Austin someone drives a plane into a building and now a bomb threat on campus????  These are the kinds of events one cannot escape in this ever increasing world where guns and bombs are the tools of discourse.  That being said I headed up to Amanda's apartment to help with an exercise she was given for her Advanced Narrative class with Kat Candler.  So 4 other students helped Amanda for the next 4 hours (even more after I left) fulfill an assignment for a one minute film. I found being with these young student filmmakers a pleasure.  Their mutual respect for one another and collaborative efforts are so refreshing.  I approached my character with a good deal of thought and purposely made choices that were not easy ones. This was done with no dialogue.  While she was so appreciative for my effort it is I who am appreciative as well to be given a task that makes me think and put to use what I have learned in classes and through my own experiences. 

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