Wednesday, June 6, 2012

A Food Trailer Called SCHMALTZ

You don't have to be Jewish to love the food that comes out of Julia Hungerford's food trailer.  First of all she's adorable.  A Jew from Tennessee!  Personable, musical, and a joy to spend time with.  And so today I met Liz and her friend Alex and treated them to lunch at this food trailer behind the DOMY bookstore (as cool as it sounds ....think alternative publications and literature).  A Jewish mother's delight..feeding her daughter and a friend no less!!  Liz and I had her grilled falafel..mine on a platter and Liz's in pita.  DEEEElicious!  Everything is vegan so Alex's Reuben came on swirled pumpernickel rye with seitan pastrami and no cheese...but you can get cheese.  The young folks drank coconut milk and I had sparkling water (I call it seltzer).  Of course I will bring Abe back.  Julia, we're on to you!