Sunday, March 25, 2012


When  we engage in any cultural or artistic performance about the Holocaust I am prepared to be emotionally riveted.  Abe was born in Berlin to two holocaust survivors and when he and his twin sister were 10 weeks old their Dad was taken to Siberia.  His parents never met again.  And so Stephen Mills, Ballet Austin's Choreographer  has brought us one woman's experience as a survivor of the Holocaust and both Abe and I were moved, absorbed, engaged and appreciative  that this story is shared by a creative artist to a broader audience.  The Q&A was enlightening and Stephen Mills is a mensch in his description of taking on this project.  What was really up close and personal was the lead ballerina sharing that since her first performance of this piece in 2005 she has become the mother of two deaf sons, ages 2 and 4.  This is life.  And dancing this piece has helped her to understand better her enormous responsibility to these two young boys.  I did not have a dry eye this afternoon.

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