Friday, March 16, 2012


I rarely post a negative review but can't do otherwise with this one.  This is an annoying, irritating film about immature 30 year olds who want to hang out and socialize just as they did prior to children.  The couple that seems so on top of it are the two that make the baby but don't marry or have a romantic relationship.  Everyone else is presented as unhappy, chaotic, and clueless about what happens when you're not the center of the universe.  Having spent 25 years in Park Slope, coined the "mamageddon" of the universe where I complained bitterly about the ridiculousness of child rearing practices I found the dialogue unreal, uninspiring and staged.  Maya Rudolph was a major disappointment.  The opening scene where parents with kids in a high end fancy restaurant are observed was poorly acted. The couple returning to the table after having sex in the bathroom was a parody and silly.  What's the hype about this film?  Because the director and producer have been together 14 years and have not had kids? This is an unimportant issue.  They should have written a memoir.  My major response to this film was: "who cares?"

1 comment:

  1. This is so funny. I knew the film would be this way; plus, I read mostly bad reviews, but yours takes the cake!

