Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Class with CK McFarland

Had my 3rd class today with CK.  She filmed a scene that Angie and I had rehearsed which CK wrote. ( A tough woman trucker picks up a young hitchhiker runaway on a thruway).  One of the first things I noticed about CK is that she loves to teach.  By the time you reach my age you've had plenty of teachers of all kinds of subjects and you can separate out those that do it for a living and those that have a passion for sharing what they know.  And CK is that second kind of teacher.  She is intelligent, wise, shares what she knows constructively, has enormous patience, gives great advice about technique, is thoughtful about each of her students, and brought her two adorable small and cuddly dogs to our class. I loved that.   I came home and watched the DVD of the three different shots and could see how much I changed in that small time.  It is a pleasure to be in this class with CK who tells us how much she enjoys being there.  And she does not bullshit.  She is for real!

1 comment:

  1. What a great experience. I love hearing about great teachers. And since you are such a good student, you deserve a good teacher!

