Saturday, May 18, 2013

Oy Vey Old Sport:'GATSBY'

Baz Luhrmann has created an extravaganza of visual beauty and excess based on an empty story.  Who cares a hoot about these characters?  Daisy Buchanan has no life, is pathetically empty, and you would never know she was a mother.  She wished she had a girl so the girl could grow up to be  foolish.  And that is what she is!  To watch a two hour film based on men's desire for her is painful!!!!  Nick Carraway, the writer is talented and would have done much better to write about people who matter.  Sorry, the story is flawed and I have no idea why it's required reading in High School.  Sometimes alcoholic writers do not deserve the acclaim we give them.  Sometimes they write personal drivel and we should leave it at that!

1 comment:

  1. You are funny! It's the book you do not like, then, not the movie!

    A new form of film criticism.

