Thursday, May 30, 2013

Mothers and Daughters

So my dearest friend of 25 years returns to NYC and within a few days we receive this photo of our girls, Samantha and Liz, 23 and 25 y.o., respectively, from the Big Apple.   It's been a few years since they've seen each other but those happy smiles tell it all.  These young women spent hours together when they were little girls.  They produced plays, thwarted their big brothers' attempts to over power them, had a shared active fantasy life, slept over each others homes, comforted each other, giggled until you laughed right with them.  Pam and I schlepped them to plays, films, shopping, restaurants, museums, different cities and created a history that brings smiles to their Moms' hearts..  Such nice memories brought to the surface by this spontaneous image.  I'm sure they were fully aware how happy Pam and I would be to see them reunited.


  1. SOOOOOOOOOOOOO beautiful, Addie. Brought tears (and happiness) to me.

    And they look alike, too. Perhaps it is just the coloring!

    1. Beautiful young ladies just like their mothers
