Monday, May 27, 2013

HARVEY at ZACH Theater

Pam asked that we see this production and both she and Ira were thrilled with the new renovation of the ZACH.  Hats off and much admiration for Martin Burke who brought us a fine interpretation of the sweet alcoholic and his imaginary 6 foot friend (a rabbit). We all noted how different his character was from Jimmy Stewart who played this role back in the 50's on film. Marijane Vandivier was absolutely perfect as the visiting aunt who is aghast at her nephew's antics.  It's always a pleasure to see MJ on stage.  She is an acting teacher at ACC who tried unsuccessfully to get me to lose my NY accent.  While Lauren Lane and Michael Stuart offered fine performances as Elwood's sister and psychiatrist and received some good laughs I found the performance to not engage me as I would have hoped.  I couldn't tell if it was the story or the truthfulness of the performances.  Once you study with Laurel Vouvray you never again approach actors with the same mind set.  I don't mind that.  It keeps me acutely aware of the importance of being truthful in an imaginary moment. A fine experience shared with Brooklyn friends who really liked the performance.

1 comment:

  1. What I love the most, Addie, is your honesty, and your experience as an actor probably helps you view things through more of a critical lens.

