Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Ray Wylie Hubbard in Studio 1A/KUTX

When we first moved here from Brooklyn Ray Wylie Hubbard was one of the first sounds I heard on KUT.  He really spoke to me with 'Snake Farm' and 'Whoop and Hollar'.  Then we went to the Armadillo Crafts Fair where I heard him sing 'Mother Blues', introduce his son, a fine guitarist, and I was sold!  This guy is a poet and his words sink straight into the mind and heart of this Park Slope Brooklyn transplant.  So when Kim Cates, KUT Volunteer Coordinator sent out an email yesterday asking for 2 volunteers for the live Studio1A performance of Ray Wylie I was in heaven!  And fearful  for sure that someone else would get this opportunity.  I answered immediately and in 5 minutes I was told that I would be volunteering to sign people in and see the performance myself.
What can I say?  From the moment Ray Wylie entered the reception area he communicated warmth, happiness and when I opened the door for him he returned my  beaming smile with a good ol! smile.  I was speechless  (hard to imagine for those who know me.)  And when Kurt (my co-volunteer and wonderful to work with) and I entered the studio to sit down and listen we were in the midst of an extraordinary performance.  All of the audience was so happy to be there as we checked them in and Jay Trachtenberg asked the best questions and commented beautifully in that soft style of his.  He really knows how to talk to people.  I could go on and on and tell you what he played with his accompanying guitarist, but that's not needed here.  When the performance ended and he graciously took photos and shook hands I waited to let him know how much I admire him and I quoted a line from 'Mother Blues':  "On the days I keep my gratitude higher than my expectations, those are my good days."  Ray Wylie, you have brought me through some challenging moments with that thought, and for that I am eternally grateful.  Thank-you KUTX for this extraordinary opportunity.

1 comment:

  1. I did not know that quote was from his song. And I quote your quote all the time now!

