Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Unfathomable Grief X 2

Newtown was my first "Unfathomable Grief" post and now I'm back again.  My family lived through 9/11 in NYC.  Abe was in Harlem, Josh was in The Bronx at Bronx High School of Science, and Liz was in her new H.S. in Brooklyn named for Edward R. Murrow and I was in a hospital in downtown Brooklyn watching planes go into buildings across the harbor.  I am speechless today.  I have spent the day trying to do good deeds for everyone I have contact with.  Finding jobs, supporting projects, being thankful for Austin figures who have made our transition easier.  But today I am happy I am an older person.  Because I cannot bear to hear more of loss of life, limbs, and the possibilities of evil that innocent people can be victim to.  I cannot bear a lifetime of this violence.  I am happy I am 64.

1 comment:

  1. I truly understand.

    And what will the future be for our children?

