Saturday, August 18, 2012


This morning at 7:15 a.m. (it's Saturday) 6 workmen show up to complete a major landscape job at our home.  They've built  a metal picket fence to be covered with crossvine Monday (28 buckets sit in front of our LR windows); built a limestone curved wall surrounding those agaves donated to us; replaced crappy soil with rich organic soil that's hot to the touch; rebuilt retaining walls with pavers that surround hundreds of vincas and rosemary and just improved the life of my garden.  And an hour later the rains came and washed away all the dust, and replenished some plants that went into shock and made me so happy I continued to garden and plant and welcomed  the rain to drench me.  Abe did the same on the terrace, sweeping and caring for our succulents.  He even wore shorts while working (he's a jeans guy).

And so I thank Scott Lockhart and his awesome crew from AUSTIN DRAINAGE AND LANDSCAPE DEVELOPMENT for this extraordinary work, performed by hardworking men who are a pleasure to deal with.  Thank-you so much from Addie and Abe

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