Thursday, January 19, 2012


No, this isn't an indie film or a new rock group.  It's an ethnic food that's close to our hearts and homes.  I would invariably get a call from Liz when she was at UT at about 11PM at night:  "mama, it's Liz.  I'm at HEB and I want to make matzoh ball soup for my friends 'cause tomorrow is a Jewish holiday.  What should I get?"  And always I told her, Matzoh Ball Mix, Manischewitz or Goodman's.  Just follow the directions, it's exactly the same as if you start with matzoh meal.  She always called later to say they weren't as good as mine.  I always loved that. When your kid is thousands of miles away it's nice to hear that some things are not replaced easily.  The trick is after you've followed the directions and removed them from the fridge, place the balls in your homemade chicken soup and not in boiling water as directed.  Every ethnicity in the world has their own chicken soup.   If you want to try matzoh balls just make your soup, place the matzoh balls in the soup and 20 minutes later voile!  L'Chaim.  To Life!

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