Thursday, January 26, 2012

First You Take Care of Business Then You Shop!

On this glorious sunny day in Austin I walked to City Hall over the 1st Street bridge to vote yes to stop the repeal of a law requiring non medical pregnancy centers from telling the truth.  They don't offer medical services to help women make decisions about reproductive care.  They offer a religious point of view.  And the city council voted 6-0 to stop the repeal.  This is why voting counts.  To continue on this fine day  I did what I have never ever stopped loving.  Shopped for sales. 

Went to Plain Ivey Jane (an overstock boutique shop) and bought a gorgeous multicolored sundress for $30  off the clearance rack.  It called "Addie" to me.  Then over to LOVELY my favorite Vintage shop and bought a Cynthia Rowley bag I've coveted for months. 50% off and $20  in my account from consigned clothing and I got the bag for $20!

Love Letter to Austin: the weather, your politics, shopping deals, culture!!!!  You so tickle my soul!

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