Friday, December 9, 2011


Scorsese has created a beautiful film that is magical, visually stunning and if you can suspend disbelief for the length of the film I promise an enchanting experience.  Anyone who loves films and film making will cherish this experience.  A boy lives in a clock in a clock tower in a railroad station.  He fixes broken things, he steals things from a toy shop to fix an automaton who draws, he remembers seeing movies with his dad who has died, he befriends a girl whose godfather has a mysterious past with film making.

On a personal note, the young star of this film looks remarkably like Jason Murphy, Liz's friend.   And when we left the theater two people came up to Abe to tell him he looked just like Ben Kingsley in this film.  He did!  And a couple who sat by us then told us they thought we could have both been put  in the film (that's because the wife has curly hair).  Let's hear it for Texas friendliness.   A nice way to leave a theater.


  1. Six degrees of separation, always. And now I recall Jason had those beautiful blue eyes. The film was truly enchanting!


  2. I just watched the trailer, and the boy does kind of look like Jason! The movie looks beautiful.
