Sunday, December 25, 2011


The character Lisbeth Salendar is so edgy, unique and refreshingly unparalleled in recent American films.  The Swedish actor Noomi Rapaci really nailed it for me and we both  loved the Swedish film.  But now I can say Rooney Mara does the same.  Her interpretation of this character is perfect.  It's a wonderful film.  Well directed, beautiful cinematography and intelligent plot.  A pleasure to see a film about a man who really cares about what happens to women.  And shows the truth about what happens to women.

We did what all Jews around the world do on Christmas Day.  We went to the cinema.  And it was packed to every last seat.  Just like last year at TRUE GRIT.  Proof that Austin is the quintessential film lovers city.  To our friends celebrating Christmas our wishes are for peace on earth, in every home, with good health and happiness in abundance.

1 comment:

  1. You light my menorah!

    This will be our film for New Year's weekend, since it is in Brooklyn!

