Thursday, March 17, 2011


Can you imagine seeing films for seven days?  And still looking forward to seeing more?  Now that music is here we're able to get into venues we couldn't get near initially.  So today we got to go to one of our favorite theaters..Alamo S. Lamar.  We saw UNDEFEATED.  A terrific doc about a football team in Memphis that has lost every football game since it began playing football.  A voluntary coach (short chubby red haired guy) coaches these kids for 6 years and brings them real close and so much more than a win.  He brings them to those traits they own that are so important in life.  This is no Rocky, believe me when I say that.  Abe can't stand those inspirational movies.  This is the real thing.  He says the coach is like the Jets coach.  (I have no idea what he's talking about but you may).

No more films today.  I have an audition for a student film.  Abe is smiling.  And yes, there is more to come.

1 comment:

  1. One day we will see you in these movies. I know what he is talking about with the Jet's coach. Wow, I have learned something from living with football fans all these years!

