Sunday, January 13, 2013


Jessica Chastain and Kathryn Bigelow elevate the role of women in cinema to the the highest level imaginable in their work in this film.  This film is purely about the search for Osama Bin Laden by one agent analyst and her persistence to find him and kill him.  The character, Maya, is comfortable using "fuck"  in her communications with all levels of government and makes her intentions known to all who will listen.  She is a beauty who never uses her femininity to get her way.  She uses strength, intelligence, persistent courage and endless, endless hard work.  I loved this character and loved the film.  Kathryn Bigelow is a fabulous story teller and the screenplay by Mark Boal is so authentic.  There is no posturing in this film.  Just a story told about how a group of people went courageously into the night to kill an evil man.  And the woman who would not give up until her task was completed.  Jessica Chastain's acceptance speech this evening at the Golden Globes exemplified the serious, hard working actor she is.  She deserves every accolade coming her way.

1 comment:

  1. Great review. I agree 100%. And she is beautiful!

