Sunday, January 6, 2013

THE IMPOSSIBLE at the Violet Crown

A true story of a family's survival of the tsunami that hit South East Asia in 2003.  While Abe played tennis and watched football I soloed this.  And I am thankful I did.  This is a heart wrenching frightening film about the unexpected that challenges you like the biblical Job was challenged.  A story about a family's fear of loss and separation.  And the unbelievable physical challenges they face...and the separations!  OMG.  No one around me wasn't crying.  Naomi Watts, Ewan Mc Gregor and the three young child actors deliver performances that are breathtaking in their truth and honesty.  What can I say?  Do you want to sit at the edge of your seat with your heart hurting?  Then by all means see this film.  Meanwhile I will not let Abe see this film if I can help it.  He wouldn't step out of the house!  Shhhh...don't tell him I said that but it's true.

1 comment:

  1. I can't wait to see it, since loss and separation are my themes. Great review!

