Saturday, January 26, 2013

AMOUR: A film by Michael Haneke

I anticipated seeing this acclaimed and highly regarded film with great expectations.  A film about old age and dying, acted by experienced and talented actors in their 80's, with no humor or comic relief.  At all.  This film can only be described as exquisite character driven cinema.  With flawless heartfelt honest portrayals of what happens between two people who have shared a life and face their increasingly  diminished faculties together. A stroke, a caretaker who is aged himself, further incapacitation, and the humiliation of dependency.  Neighbors who made me long for a world we do not live in; a student who communicates with his eyes his grief about his teacher's incapacitation; and a cruel home care nurse heighten the reality of this deteriorating process.  But I also found great comfort in knowing that my husband of 30 years, sitting by my side would be that person sharing this time with me.  We have begun this process of aging together, Abe and I.  This film did not make me afraid.  I have experienced first hand what happens to people as they age and change and lose their lives as they knew them. This film reminded me of what will occur and how blessed I am to have someone by my side who will offer his life to insure my safety, happiness and comfort for every day he lives.  And that is why this film is extraordinary and I am so grateful to have seen it.

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