Friday, April 6, 2012

Tsimmes Is On/Passover

The tsimmes (sweet potato, carrot and prune casserole) was prepared before 8 and is in the oven spreading delicious aromas.  The rest of the day is spent cooking zucchini kugel, matzoh ball soup, farfel kugel, rock cornish hens, chicken breasts in honey and lemon.  Pickles and string beans are green (a typical Jewish addition).  Tonight we celebrate the first night of Passover where we'll be reading from Jonathan Safran Foer's AN AMERICAN HAGGADAH, our book of "living memory."  "We are not telling a story here.  We are being called to a radical act of empathy."  "The seder is a protest against despair."  And so we will do the best we can with Liz and friends to recall the ancient journey of Jews from slavery and bondage out of Egypt to freedom, to a much safer and freer world.  And that is my wish all year as well.

To my friends celebrating Easter I am always so happy our holidays coincide.  It reminds me how close we humans are.  Happy Pesach/Happy Easter.

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful!

    And a good one for you today!

