Tuesday, April 10, 2012


Let me begin by saying I know nothing about baseball except that I raised a fierce NY Mets fan who played baseball on leagues from the time he was 6.  And still plays in D.C. his hometown.  And he will be surprised that I know anything about R.A.Dickey, the only knuckleball pitcher  in the Major Leagues who happens to be a 37y.o. pitcher on his beloved team, The NY Mets.

So how did I find out about this knuckleballer?  Tuesday afternoons finds me baking cookies for the AFS interns and staff before Essential Cinemas.  I always listen to NPR Fresh Air as they interview and/or highlight different people each week.  And today I had the very good fortune to hear R.A. Dickey talk about his life, his career, his choices, his history and current family.  I am always interested in kids who had a challenging youth and how they dealt with the hand they were given after years spent as a NYC social worker.    So here you have an only child being raised by an alcoholic Mom who has a history of sexual abuse.  And finds his best coping skills through athletics.  But not only athletics. He goes on to admit years later when his marriage was failing he received counseling and then finally shared his secret with his wife and counselor.  Mr. Dickey discusses all of this articulately (you could tell he was an English major in college) and without fanfare or magnified victimization. When he was lonely and living with his Dad he would go to the library and check out  the classifieds to see which houses were for sale so that he could sleep alone in a home. "To be alone at your own choosing is a different feeling."

And to hear him discuss his mediocre career and why he developed the knuckleballer in order to stand out and make it to the Majors is a real hoot.  You can't help but like this guy.  He's smart, modest, connected to what's important in life. So this one's for you Josh.  Your mama is gonna read a book about a knuckleballer and of course see the documentary which is about to come out shortly.

1 comment:

  1. I am going to read this to Ira when he comes home from ball. This is fascinating. And so far, the Mets are doing well this season.

