Thursday, April 5, 2012


A filmmaker attempts to understand better her father's suicide, her brother's significant depression and anxiety disorder by exploring further the life of a French philosoper, Simone Weil.  Ms. Weil, who was a suicide herself in her 30's, is a complex figure who wrote prolifically.   This is a profoundly sad movie and very well made.  Through interview and her writing we learn of the profound sensitivity of Simone Weil and her reaction to the world's suffering.  She experiences first hand worker's lives, war, poverty by engaging herself with those areas of strife.  A remarkably brave woman who wrote "attention is the rarest and purest form of generosity."  During the film making process the director's brother also kills himself.  The filmmaker, Julia Haslett continues making the film and looking for a better understanding.

Following the film was an intelligent Q&A with Julia Haslett.  Best part of the evening was talking with my AFS favorites: Darla Berry, Agnes Varnum and of course, Chale Nafus.

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