Wednesday, July 27, 2011


In this heat downtown Austin has always been a great spot. Everything is close and air conditioned.  First I saw the MONA LISA exhibit and the Design exhibit at AMOA which will close in Sept.  I liked them both and really really loved the furniture designs.  Particularly  Gilbert Rohde, a  guy who began life in the Bronx, went on to make furniture for the Miller Furniture Co. in Zeeland Michigan and learned his first vocational skills from Stuyvesant H.S. The furniture designs and philosophy of this furniture company is exemplary, consumer friendly and so supportive of worker's creativity.  

I then met Ria and Amandine for Happy Hour at Roaring Fork: tortilla soup, wine and desserts all around.  Delicious!!

Then I soloed to PAPER MOON, a fantastic black and white film by Peter Bogdanovich.  I had forgotten how much fun this film is.  The audience really appreciated the young Tatum O'Neal.  She and her Dad were so refreshingly real and honest in their roles.   I loved Madeline Kahn whose portrayal of a loose gal and her young assistant are hysterical.  Dialogue is quick and timeless in its humor.

To be honest,  I just loved watching a smart, hip, slick kid called "Addie."

1 comment:

  1. I can understand why you would enjoy a smart, wise hip kid named Addie.

    Great review of a fun day! Vocational skills from Stuy. sounds very funny to me!

