Friday, November 23, 2012


Did you know that Sally Field implored and begged Steven Spielberg to give her the role of Mary Lincoln (called Molly by Abe)?  After her assertive posturing he agreed to  screen test her.  She admits it wasn't stellar.  He called her and told her he just didn't see her with Daniel Day Lewis.  The next day Daniel Day Lewis phoned her to say he'd fly to L.A. from Ireland to screen test with her. They met for an hour, improvised "something", did a screen test and on the way driving home Steven and Daniel called her and said "you're our Molly."   And oh what a Molly.  And oh, what a film.  Each of the well known actors brings this extraordinary period of time to us with the assistance of extraordinary photography.  The theater was packed. The story was about the dividing wound of the Civil War and slavery. I was aware I was viewing it in the South.   This is a monumental film with Spielberg's signature throughout.  You know the story, it's never been told so artistically.

1 comment:

  1. Oh, Addie; Now can't decide whether to see SILVER LININGS or this today. Will let Ira decide.

