Sunday, October 28, 2012

THE PAPER BOY and The Rubber Room

This afternoon we walked over to our favorite theater, Violet Crown to see Lee Daniels' latest film.  This is a harrowing film about a journalist who returns to his small town in the Florida Everglades in 1969 to investigate a murder of a disgusting and loathed sheriff.  The area is one of the worst armpits known to the American landscape and it breeds humans that are hard to watch, listen to and even fathom.  And Mc Conaughey, Kidman, Cusack, and Zac Efron pull it off.  John Cusack portrays a primitive and loathsome man who is pursued by Nicole Kidman who has a thing for convicted killers.  One searches deep  to care for these people and believe me it's a difficult task. (Macy Gray, the narrator and housekeeper does offer some respite with her humanity and warmth). Sometimes I just covered my eyes.  Kidman has taken on a role that will have some  bewildered because of it's raw and violent sexuality. I thought it was brave of her to allow herself to reach so far as an actor.  This film is gut wrenching just as PRECIOUS was.
We each had a huge margarita afterwards with a gift card from MANUEL'S.  I probably would have enjoyed methadone!
This evening I played with other Improv folks at The Institution theater.  The Rubber Room invites people to join the faculty each Sunday and experience the joy (and hard work) of improvisation.  Helpful.
Up early (like 4a.m.) tomorrow for a paid extra shoot close to home.
Worried, worried about all of my NY friends in the eye of the storm.  I will hope for the best for them.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the safe wishes. I feel protected in my cave. Am worried about others, more!

