Sunday, October 21, 2012

Austin Film Festival Day #4

After hootin' and hollerin' for the LIVE STRONG cyclists this a.m. we headed up to the Paramount and Convention Center for day #4 of films.  THE SAPPHIRES is a lovely feel good film about four Aboriginal girls who are brought to Viet Nam in the 1960's to entertain the troops.  And my goodness, they can sing!  Great Motown and R&B music throughout and a lively spirited story about young women who want something more for themselves.  We loved this film.

Later on we met the lovely Malina Panovich managing the theater at the Convention Center for JUNCTION and so the wait on line was fun for us.  This is a well written film about meth heads who invade a home and discover the inhabitants of the home are criminals themselves.  Think pedophile type criminals.  Shot in N.J. with actors we know from DEXTER and other NY cop films it felt like home to me.  Tony Glazer, writer and director was available for an intelligent Q&A.  Moving along, some down time manana with FLIGHT tomorrow evening at the Paramount.

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