Monday, October 22, 2012

Austin Film Festival Day #5

I approached this evening's film FLIGHT with enthusiasm thinking I'd see Denzel Washington  in an action film about a scary flight with a crash landing.  A break from meth heads, complex issues and documentaries.  And instead I found myself watching an incredibly well made film by Robert Zemeckis about a character determined to maintain and deny his alcoholism.  This is an extraordinary film about addiction and how difficult it is become free of its hold.  I found the scary flight scenes less frightening than Denzel's determination to remain a boozer.  There are underlying stories as well here about corporate and union complicity and unethical legal representation.  This film had me absolutely captivated.  John Goodman as a drug dealer  offered needed comic  relief and I kept waiting for him to say "I don't roll on shabbas."  A highly recommended film.

While waiting on line at THE PARAMOUNT we were so happy to once again see Joel Johnstone  (THE PILGRIM AND THE PRIVATE EYE) and his girlfriend (Brooklyn folks). Joel's film was one of our favorite shorts.  This really clever and well made short will surely make it's mark at other festivals and we're hoping TV.    More to come.

1 comment:

  1. Nice! I knew I wanted to see the Denzel film. Wonder if you will be seeing "Cloud Atlas." Hard to picture that being made into a film.

