Monday, May 30, 2011


A beautifully shot documentary by Werner Herzog of the rock art found at the Chauvet Caves in Southern France.  What struck me the most was how contemporary the drawings are.  And to imagine that these are 25,000 years old.  Much of what is discussed about the culture at the time I thought was speculative and very French.  We really liked this film.  It's informative, visually beautiful and the ending has the Herzog quirk!

On a much more serious  note today is Memorial Day in America.  I heard and read the President's speech at THE TOMB OF THE UNKNOWN SOLDIER.  He is a wonderful speaker who rallied patriotism and honored men and women who have died defending this country's beliefs.  He made it personal as always by specifically telling the personal stories  of a number of young men who died in Iraq and Afghanistan.  And today I felt they should not have died, they should not have been put in harm's way and we need to get our troops out of these god forsaken places.  It's time to bring the young men and women home! 

1 comment:

  1. I agree, Addie. It is, in many ways, a sad day for all those families who have lost loved ones.

    The Herzog film sounds intriguing!

