Saturday, December 3, 2011

Liz is Eastward Settled

Just returned from moving Liz to her new home on the East Side.  Her style of a house shared with 3 women, chickens, 2 dogs, a big water collector and garden for vegetables.  Reminded me of when Abe and I moved into our loft on 12th street.  Pioneers moving south of 9th Street and not caring that it wasn't manicured and polished.  She will do well there.  She's equipped with an open intelligent mind and a kind heart.  And when I left her all I could think of was "whither thou goest."  And now I'm home to exorcise her room.  Have a nice week-end.


  1. And all is good in the state of Austin; sounds like it was moving.


  2. Thanks for the kind words Ma. I already set-up the room and went food shopping; getting settled in bit by bit!
