Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Russian Films presented by Dr. Thomas Garza

Today was our last day of classes in this session of OLLI at UT.  A shout out here to our seminar teachers.  Dr. Shelton Ekand-Olson was a superb lecturer about the ethical issues surrounding life and death.  He is so smart, funny and most important creates an atmosphere where people can express divergent points of view without killing each other!  How refreshing.  Next I cannot say enough good things about Nick Nichols who taught Sports, Sports, Sports.  This wonderful man taught this totally disinterested in sports woman a class that had me laughing, crying and interested every minute of class.  He is a wonderful instructor!

And finally today our lecture was right up my alley: " Imagining 21st Century Russian Culture Through Films."  Presented by Dr. Thomas Garza, a slavic language UT professor with more awards than I could ever imagine or list.  What a wonderful lecture and great clips of films post 1990. 

This has been a wonderful 6 weeks of learning. You could tell how good the experience was.  We've begun to form a community I think because everyone was so happy with their classes.


  1. If you have a great class; if a teacher is great, there is a community that emerges.

    Sometimes that happens when I teach and it is exciting for the teacher, too.


  2. Addie, Thanks so much for sending this to me. I thought Sheldon was incredible and I enjoyed the archaeology seminar and am delighted to know that you got such a kick out of the sports seminar - he must be good! Wish you and your husband would join the seminar committee as we need your input to round out our offerings as you can see from the winter line up.

    I can't sign in by name as I have no idea what my URL account might be. Judy

  3. I was reading your earlier blogs and saw your comment about Aly Winningham. I took photography classes many years ago from her dad, Geoff, a very talented photographer. My daughter, a camp friend of Aly's told me she was in Austin and producing marvelous art - what a small world. Judy S
