Monday, October 3, 2011

Adele 21

I LOVE to dance when I cook.  And sing when I know the words (think Bob Dylan, Carly Simon, James Taylor).  I just bought Adele 21 and Sarah Jarosz's latest CDs.  And this is cookin' music!

Today we ventured to Goodwill on S. Lamar to make donations and donate $ to their youth program.  Goodwill is good at hiring youths that would otherwise not find work.  I love programs like this.  Of course while I was there I looked at stuff for me and Abe.  And what did I find?...a brand new Patagonia dress!  $79 when it first was advertised and then $50 at their first sale.  And I found it in teal blue for $8.99!  Oh the joys of retirement and time.  Nothing could take the shopper out of me.  And this is the town to do that shopping in!

1 comment:

  1. I love this. I am so happy to read about shopping, dancing and music!

